TBR Late Spring photo dump. Most shot after work during the week. A couple during weekend warrior missions.
Tampa Bay just seems to get better over time…I like this city.
From my desktop. Enjoy.
-Matt Coplon
Timmy Cano: Nosepick Whip. 7PM. Thanks to that stray sheet of plywood.Travis Reavis: Jersey barrier Roaston a Wednesday at SPoT.Spencer Foresman: Topside Ice over the channel at SPoT.Niles Harper: Alley Oop lookback on a Wednesday at SPoT.
Drew Dremak: 5 hours in Tampa. Thread the needle Crook. Handling it.
[caption id="attachment_1737" align="aligncenter" width="3456"] Dan Orroyo: Pipe roast in Robles Park.[/caption]Thomas Sanders: Monday afternoon scouting mission. Pipe ride to T-Bog.